Thousands of families live precariously in the slums

Two children from an SOS family (photo: M. Peru)
Poverty and unemployment levels are also very high in Addis Abeba, particularly amongst women and young people. Even amongst the employed population, most families live off less than US$ 68 per month. For young girls from poor families, prostitution often seems like the only option to make some money, especially when they lack professional skills and qualifications. An estimated 150,000 prostitutes work in the city, and a large proportion of them are HIV positive. Gender inequality is still an issue: 23 per cent of women in Addis Ababa are illiterate, 22 per cent have only completed primary education, and only four per cent reach college or university level. Youth unemployment is as high as 50 per cent in urban Ethiopia. In the fight against poverty, the involvement of the next generation in social and economic processes is a crucial factor.
Holistic and sustainable support for the community
SOS Children’s Villages began its efforts in Addis Abeba in 1981. Today, our social centres here provide a family strengthening programme to members of the local community. The programme aims to help parents develop their capacities in a holistic and sustainable manner, to achieve self-reliance and economic autonomy, and to ensure access to essential services such as health care and education. We assist parents in sending their children to government-run schools, and provide guidance on income-generating activities as well as counselling and psychological support. The social centres also offer day-care, where up to 200 children are looked after while their parents are at work. The overarching aim of these services is to support families, and the community as a whole, so that children can be protected and cared for and will not be abandoned.
Our medical centre here is also open to the community and serves approximately 7,000 patients each year. Amongst others, it provides the following services: a community participatory health project, reproductive health advice, ante/post natal care, and voluntary HIV testing.
Our medical centre here is also open to the community and serves approximately 7,000 patients each year. Amongst others, it provides the following services: a community participatory health project, reproductive health advice, ante/post natal care, and voluntary HIV testing.
What we do in Addis Abeba

Girls in the SOS Youth Programme in their shared house (photo: H. Atkins)
When young people from the children’s village reach an age where they feel ready to move out of the family home, the SOS Youth Programme makes shared accommodation available to them while they complete their education or vocational training. With the support of qualified counsellors, the young people learn to take responsibility, plan for their future and prepare for independent adult life.
The SOS Vocational Training Centre Kality, located in the Addis Abeba suburbs, offers young people from all around Ethiopia the chance to complete a three-year vocational training course in one of the following fields of specialisation: furniture making, general metal fabrication and assembly, automotive engine service, automotive electricity/electronics, automotive power train and chassis service. The students receive a sound academic foundation combined with the skills of a trade, which helps to secure their future independence. The training centre also provides accommodation for up to 240 trainees.
One of the SOS Staff Development Centres is also located in Addis Abeba. Future SOS mothers and co-workers receive comprehensive training here and are prepared for the important roles they will take on.